• IA de voz

Voice AI is revolutionizing contact centers for both businesses and customers. Learn about Verbio’s solution at the Congress.

There are two big issues facing call and contact centers today both in terms of customer experience and ROI.

It is critical to solving both sides of the call and contact center equation – customer churn and agent churn.

Jordi Torres Gómez, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Verbio, will look at how Voice AI technology can work alongside agents to solve these challenges in his talk at the 8th America Digital Tech & Business Congress México 2023.

In addition, on the exhibition floor of the Congress you can visit booth A6 and learn about the voice AI solutions that Verbio has developed to transform businesses.

Voice AI in contact centers

In the modern business landscape, customer experience has become the cornerstone of success.

One critical aspect of this is the contact center, which serves as the primary point of interaction between a company and its customers.

However, maintaining contact center agents and customer retention can be challenging, especially in today’s hyper-competitive market.

Fortunately, voice AI technologies are emerging as a game-changer, allowing companies to optimize their contact center operations and minimize churn.

In this article, we will explore how voice AI technologies can help companies solve contact center agent and customer churn.

Employee turnover is a common problem in contact centers, with studies suggesting that the average turnover rate can range from 30% to 45%.

High agent churn rates can have a detrimental impact on the contact center’s performance, resulting in poor customer service, reduced productivity, and increased training costs.

However, voice AI technologies can help solve this problem in several ways.

Customer churn is another critical challenge faced by contact centers, with studies suggesting that the average churn rate can range from 30% to 50%.

High customer churn rates can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line, resulting in lost revenue and increased acquisition costs.

However, voice AI technologies can help solve this problem in several ways.

Within this session, Jordi Torres, COO of Verbio will draw on real-life examples from large-scale contact center deployments to highlight how Voice AI can solve the issues of agent and customer churn.

Jordi will showcase how companies like BBVA and T-Mobile, manage over 200,000 calls and 500,000 transactions a day, in the unique environment of phone and voice conversations.

IA de voz

Automatization is the key

Voice AI automation and agents can work together, significantly reducing wait times and helping customers to self-serve 24 hours a day.

Releasing agents from high-volume repetitive tasks so they can assist customers with more complex queries.

Firstly, voice AI technologies can improve agent training and onboarding processes.

By using voice AI-powered chatbots, agents can receive real-time feedback and coaching, allowing them to improve their performance and enhance their skills.

This can help reduce agent frustration and burnout, ultimately leading to higher retention rates.

Secondly, voice AI technologies can automate repetitive tasks, allowing agents to focus on high-value tasks that require human intervention.

This can improve agent job satisfaction, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity, all of which contribute to higher retention rates.

However, voice AI-powered virtual assistants can provide customers with personalized support, answer their queries, and resolve their issues quickly and efficiently.

This can help improve customer satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates.

Secondly, voice AI technologies can help companies identify customer churn risks by analyzing customer interactions and identifying potential pain points.

By doing so, companies can proactively address these issues, reducing the likelihood of customer churn.

In conclusion, contact center agents and customer churn are critical challenges that can have a significant impact on a company’s success.

However, voice AI technologies are emerging as a game-changer, providing companies with the tools they need to optimize their contact center operations and minimize churn.

By leveraging voice AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and analytics tools, companies can improve agent training, automate repetitive tasks, provide personalized support, and identify churn risks proactively.

Ultimately, these efforts can lead to a higher agent and customer retention rates, better customer experiences, and improved business outcomes.

Jordi Torres and his team look forward to meeting you at the América Digital Congress, Mexico,  to help you maximize your Voice AI technology investment and enhance the contact center customer and employee experience.

You can stay in touch with Verbio and register for our newsletter, or to download our latest White Paper on Solving Customer Churn Link or to find out more about Verbio visit   www.verbio.com

Be sure to visit their booth at the 8th America Digital Congress Mexico 2023 expo and participate in Jordi Torres’ conference. Buy your tickets here.

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