• ciberdelitos

Axur’s specialist will give a talk at the Congress on cybercrime through messaging apps.

Unfortunately, Brazil has experienced an increase in cybercrime in recent years, including criminal acts on messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

What are the most common targets of cyberattacks on messaging platforms, what is the role of the authorities in this context, and how to protect citizens? 

Thiago Bordini, head of Cyber Threat Intelligence at Axur, will answer these and other questions in his talk at the 8th America Digital Tech & Business Congress Mexico 2023.

The expert will give a talk on The Deep Web in LATAM. How LATAM fraud groups work in Telegram and WhatsApp, as part of the C-Level Digital Banking and Fintech Forum.

The Axur executive has been working for more than 20 years in the cyberintelligence market, analyzing cyber threats and digital frauds.

Likewise, it has been dedicated to disseminating educational content on the subject to professionals and companies.

In addition to the conference, you can visit booth B1 on the exhibition floor, where you can learn about the Brazilian company’s solutions to prevent online fraud.

Messaging, risky places

Thiago Bordini is also a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association and the Security BSides organization in Sao Paulo.

In his talk, he will explain that messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, have clear policies against illegal activity and work to prevent and stop criminal activities.

However, the permissiveness of legislation around the world, including Brazil, and the difficulties of cyber investigation may contribute to certain illegal acts being carried out on these platforms. 

Based on his experience, he will show what strategies are used to combat cybercrime carried out through instant messaging platforms.

But also, what counterintelligence techniques are adopted during the cybercrime investigation phase. 


Strategies to combat cybercrime

Regarding strategies, first, the expert mentions it must be an agreement on a vision for the future.

Smart cities, 5G networks and artificial intelligence are emerging in a context of technological progress without borders.

Here it is necessary for the community – countries and organizations – to have a shared vision.

But they must also establish what are the primary needs to face transnational organized cybercrime.

Secondly, understanding that cybercrime is a global problem and, therefore, the response must also be global.

In other words, new national and transnational organizations are needed that not only investigate cybercrime but are capable of combating it.

This is so that attackers do not move from one part of the world to another, looking for the easiest target.

Finally, establish global principles for public-private partnerships.

That is, it is not just a matter of enacting laws against cybercrime and having public agencies enforce them.

Instead, because the skills and knowledge needed to combat cybercrime lie within private organizations, public and private sector efforts must go hand in hand.

This means that governments and businesses must work together, in a connected and dependent manner. 

Some counterintelligence techniques are the measures and strategies that are designed to neutralize espionage activities and other forms of threats to the security of an organization or country.

In this sense, Thiago Bordini will present an analysis mapping the main OPsec methods (practices used by attackers to hide their identity) used by attackers.

As an example, the Axur executive will show chronologically how the hacker of the well-known VandaTheGod case was discovered.

In this case, government websites from all over the world were hacked, including Brazil.

But his activity also extended to the theft of credit card data and personal credentials.

Attend the 8th America Digital Congress Mexico 2023, participate in Axur’s conference and visit their booth. Buy your tickets here.

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