Léa Puteaux (France),Local SEO Digital Project Manager /

#ConversationalCommerce #CustomerExperience #ArtificialIntelligence

French by nationality, Léa is the Director of Digital Projects for Local SEO at Partoo. In her role, she supports medium and large enterprises with physical branches in their digital empowerment, ensuring that their organic positioning holds no secrets for them. She dedicates her day-to-day work to helping these companies better understand their customers’ journeys and how the lack of a local SEO strategy hinders them from driving traffic to their stores and websites.
Léa has extensive experience in cross-border strategies, having worked for many years with Chambers of Commerce around the world, including those in Latin America. With professional experience in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil, she has guided companies in Mexico, Uruguay, Guatemala, and Brazil through their digital transformation processes. When she is not helping companies position themselves in the minds of their customers, she can be found dancing salsa or bachata.


The Future of Conversational Commerce: Turning Conversations into Sales 

Discover how conversational commerce is redefining the customer experience and why it will be essential for businesses in the coming years. This conference delves into how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing customer relationships by providing personalized recommendations and seamless shopping experiences. Learn innovative strategies to convert conversations into effective sales and gain Partoo’s perspective on the future of conversational commerce. Get ready to enhance your digital strategy with the latest innovations. #ConversationalCommerce #CustomerExperience #ArtificialIntelligence