Damian Matta (Argentina), Vice President, Spanish Speaking Americas, Software AG /

#TrulyConnectedWorld #TrulyConnectedEnterprise #DigitalTransformation #TransformaciónDigital #innovación #SoftwareAG

Damian Matta is Vice President de Software AG responsible for the Spanish Speaking Americas (SSA) region. He has over 25 years of successful business development experience in IT, being spent the last 14 years at Software AG helping organizations from multiple industries (Banking, Government, Logistics, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Retail and Services) to overcome their digital transformation challenges. With a Bachelor in systems from University of Moron, Damian also holds a pos-graduation degree in information systems management from University of Belgrano, a MBA in business administration from the University of San Andrés, as well as an associate degree in sales management from Buenos Aires’ Austral University.


Digital Backbone: simplifying and connecting your organization to meet today’s and future demands.

No two organizations are alike, but we see customers, business partners and employees across all industries demanding the more connected and efficient experiences you need to create to compete in a world that evolves and changes at an ever-faster pace. Without the ability to simplify the integration of applications, devices, data and cloud, as well as the ability to optimize and simplify processes and portfolios, connect systems and “things” such as sensors, equipment and robots, your organization will not get the structure it needs to evolve in the journey of transformation and innovation. What if you could improve all this connection, communication and collaboration capacity, transforming data into value to grow and differentiate yourself in the market? Join the Software AG session and our customers to learn how organizations from multiple sectors are tackling these challenges.