The America Digital C-Level Forum AI & Digital Transformation is aimed at CEOs, CDOs, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs, CMOs, CFOs, General Managers, IT professionals, Marketing, eCommerce, and Innovation leaders spearheading digital transformation in Main organizations around México & Central America, collectively representing over US$1 billion investment in digital transformation projects.
Who will lead the era of Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation: CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, CMOs, or CDOs?
Connect with C-level executives (CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, CIOs, CDOs, CISOs) from the 1000 largest corporations in the Americas; Retail, Banking, Telecom, Tourism, Services, Transport, Media, Industry, Mining, Manufacturing, Health, Education, and international speakers who will provide you with strategic-operational insights, success stories addressing the following topics: