DAVID NAVARRO (Massachusetts, EE.UU), Transmit Security VP Iberia y LATAM /

#cybersecurity #digitalinnovation #identity

With more than 25 years of experience in the IT sector in multiple areas, David Navarro has dedicated the last 15 years of his career to cybersecurity.

Based in Boston (MA), for the past 5 years he has been responsible for operations in Iberia and Latin America at Transmit Security. He has worked with a multitude of organizations in the region helping them implement their strategies around Digital Identity, Authentication, etc.


Digital identity, a problem to solve for all digital services

During the last few years we have witnessed transformation processes of companies within the economic sector in which the main objective has been that customers interact with organizations through multiple channels, enhancing non-face-to-face channels over the ones that are traditional. 

In these processes, organizations generally think that they have to choose between the security of access to these channels and the user experience, assuming as true that an improvement in one of these variables necessarily entails compromising the other one.

During this talk we will try to dismantle this myth by talking about the main aspects that a digital identity strategy must have, both from the business point of view and from the technological cybersecurity solutions available.